Welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.
I’m Samara.
I’m a mother, A pediatric oncologist, and a mindset coach. Through these Varied experiences I’ve learned to recognize:
The incredible stress mothers of children with cancer face, and how mindset coaching can help decrease anxiety and build emotional resilience.
How amongst the difficulty, exhaustion, and demands of being a working physician mom, it is possible to find balance and joy.
As a physician mom…
Like you, I spent years working to become a physician, loving my patients but frustrated by a medical system that always demanded MORE... more time at work, more RVUs, more papers, more charting (coding query, anyone?).
From the outside, it seemed like I had a perfect life, with a great, steady job and a beautiful family, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was failing -- and somehow fooling everyone about it.
Then COVID hit, and I found myself working on the frontlines, frightened for my patients and my family, while simultaneously having my salary and retirement cut. That's when I realized something had to change.
I discovered coaching, and I can honestly say it blew my mind. In two years, I have completely changed my life through coaching. I'm a better mother, wife, physician... and most of all, I've learned to be my own best friend. Coaching has completely transformed my life, and that's why I love helping other physician moms rediscover joy and purpose in theirs.
As a support for cancer moms…
I've spent countless hours counseling mothers whose children have cancer, women just like you.
Sitting with them late at night in the hospital ward, awake with worry while their child sleeps.
Greeting them as they drag their exhausted, hungry child in after an early morning drive for a procedure that they never wanted but know they need.
Reassuring them as the ICU team rushes in to assess their sick child, and holding their hands as we wait for their child to come out of surgery.
Delivering news that confirms their worst fears, and sharing in the celebration with news of remission.
I've borne witness to the absolute strength and resilience of these mothers, on their best days and their worst, and because of this I know that I can help.
The truth is, that the one thing that remains with each mom during their entire journey, in her loneliest times, is your thoughts.
This is why learning to manage your mind is so incredibly powerful -- because once you learn that skill, you will know that you have everything you need to guide yourself and your family through this journey. And I'll be here for you every step of the way.